Japanese fragrance AI service SCENTMATIC KAORIUM, selected as lifestyle trend 2023 in global digital magazine STIR

STIR is an award-winning global media house and curatorial agency. It is a multi-faceted organisation, with digital and physical platforms, that was founded in 2014 to stir up creative thought, practice, discourse and industry while promoting, propagating and fostering creativity and innovation in the fields of design, architecture, art, and creative technology across the globe. It is grounded on breaking barriers and transcending boundaries across disciplines and geographies to remain in sync with our contemporaneity and aware of our contribution to what comes NEXT. (Graphic: Business Wire)
STIR is an award-winning global media house and curatorial agency. It is a multi-faceted organisation, with digital and physical platforms, that was founded in 2014 to stir up creative thought, practice, discourse and industry while promoting, propagating and fostering creativity and innovation in the fields of design, architecture, art, and creative technology across the globe. It is grounded on breaking barriers and transcending boundaries across disciplines and geographies to remain in sync with our contemporaneity and aware of our contribution to what comes NEXT. (Graphic: Business Wire)
